I am a Graduate Student at University of Texas at Austin in Electrical and Computer Engineering. I was previously a Research Engineer at Robotics Research Center, IIIT Hyderabad advised by Prof. K Madhava Krishna, Dr. Mohan Sridharan, and Dr. Krishna Murthy. Previously, I was working with Prof. Alexandre Tkatchenko at University of Luxembourg on using Deep Learning techniques for molecular property prediction. My research includes the use of AI for solving real-world problems, which often involves interdisciplinary research. My current research interests include generating robust representations for domains which leads to Out-Of-Distribution generalization in robotic models.
05/2024: I presented our work on Anticipate & Act, and DataPlan at IEEE-ICRA 2024 in Yokohama, Japan.
03/2024: I am serving as a reviewer for IEEE IROS 2024, and IEEE ROMAN 2024.
02/2024: We submitted our project: Anticipate & Collab IROS 2024.
01/2024: Our project on Anticipation based Task Planning was accepted to ICRA 2024.
- 01/2024: I am serving as a reviewer for ACL 2024, and LREC 2024.
09/2023: Submitted our project on Task Anticipation to ICRA 2024.
09/2023: Made our submission for the multiple-choice vQA test at the Deepmind Perception Challenge
08/2023: I presented our work on CLIPGraphs at IEEE RO-MAN 2023.
06/2023: I presented our work on CLIPGraphs at the EEML Summer School and at the Pretraining for Robotics workshop at ICRA 2023
07/2022: Graduated from BITS Pilani, with B.E Electrical and Electronics Engineering and M.Sc. Chemistry.
05/2022: I defended my Masters' thesis under the supervision of Prof. Alexandre Tkatchenko and Prof. Ram Kinkar Roy