Stuff I like

I will like to hopefully organize this properly some day…

“The men where you live,” said the little prince, “raise five thousand roses in the same garden – and they do not find in it what they are looking for.”
“They do not find it,” I replied.
“And yet what they are looking for could be found in one single rose, or in a little water.”
And the little prince added: “But the eyes are blind. One must look with the heart…”

— Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince

Calvin and Hobbes

Jon in Garfield

Star Wars comic
Credits: Enzo comics

I want to go home
Credits: Cap

Comic about time stop. Guy spills coffee and it freezes mid air, he realizes that time has stopped. So he goes to bed and sleeps
Credits: Chris Hallbeck

Little guy dancing
Unable to find the original artist who made this comic. If you know the source, please let me know.

Unexpectedly wholesome
Credit: Elder Cactus

The real scientific method

Playing game stressfully

“We make things beyond what we understand, as we always have done. Steam engines worked before we had a theory of thermodynamics; vaccines were developed before we knew how the immune system works; aircraft continue to fly to this day, despite the many gaps in our understanding of aerodynamics. When theory lags behind application, there will always be mathematical surprises lying in wait. The important thing is that we learn from these inevitable mistakes and don’t repeat them.”

Excerpt From
Humble Pi
Matt Parker

“We don’t make mistakes – we just have happy accidents.”

– Bob Ross

The cartoon shows a great crowd of New Zealanders both Maori and Pakeha, including many other races. Text in the cartoon reads 'He aha te mea nui tea o? He tangata he tangata, he tangata!' Below the cartoon is the text 'Maori proverb. What is the most important thing in the world? It is people, it is people, it is people!' The context is the Waitangi Day celebrations in 2011.

Credits: Maori Proverb, Nerdfighters

यह जीवन क्या है? निर्झर है, मस्ती ही इसका पानी है।
सुख-दुख के दोनों तीरों से चल रहा राह मनमानी है।
निर्झर कहता है, बढ़े चलो! देखो मत पीछे मुड़ कर!
यौवन कहता है, बढ़े चलो! सोचो मत होगा क्या चल कर?

चलना है, केवल चलना है ! जीवन चलता ही रहता है !
रुक जाना है मर जाना ही, निर्झर यह झड़ कर कहता है !

– आरसी प्रसाद सिंह (Indian Poet Arsi Prasad Singh)

उम्र भर ख्याली भूतों से अगर मैं ना डरता।
खुदा, मैं क्या ज़ोर से जी ता; खुदा, मैं क्या चैन से मरता

Rough translation:
If throughout life, I had not feared imaginary ghosts;
Lord, how intensely I would have lived!
Oh God, how peacefully I would have died!

Ambrish Verma

“If we do not let people know that it is possible to be different, the ones who are different will live their entire lives in a kind of cultural prison. And there are so many ways to be different that almost everyone ends up feeling imprisoned by some aspect of a society that only allows for the default path.”

Excerpt From A Beautifully Foolish Endeavor (The Carls) Hank Green